
Bridg the gap between your wildest imagination and tangible technology prototypes. Stay ahead of the curve by harnessing the latest tech.

Tensor Group is an OpenAI, Google, AWS, and Microsoft Partner with expertise in

  • AI, LLMs, and RAG, and Agents
  • Scalable Services
  • Visibility, Measurement, and Metrics


Tensor Group can help with your rapid and practical prototyping needs

  • Testing or understanding a new product idea
  • Rapid iteration with feedback from customers
  • Integration with existing products and processes


Let us help you Define and Build your technology needs into world class services!

We are here to help you whether you are

  • Designing
  • Building
  • Refactoring
  • or Focusing on Operational Excellence

Tensor Group is an OpenAI, Google, AWS, and Microsoft Partner with expertise in

  • AI, LLMs, and RAG, and Agents
  • Immersive Technology: AR/VR/xR
  • Data, Insights, and Integration
  • Visibility, Measurement, and Metrics
  • Scalable Services


Well-Being is the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy.  Let Tensor Group help you achieve and maintain this state.

Projects include a focus on

  • Mindfulness
  • Personal Motivation
  • Spirituality
  • Nutrition
  • Fitness

Our well-being coaching is included with all of our projects and will bring you to your highest physical, mental, and spiritual level.

About Us

A tensor is a geometric value that describes all of the forces on an entity.  Tensor Group is a team of highly skilled consultants and coaches dedicated to helping you navigate the forces in your business and life to help you achieve your highest value.

Tensor Group can help you:

  • Maintain a pragmatic focus on innovation and emerging technology, such as
    • AI/ML
    • AR/VR/xR
    • IoT
    • Prototyping
    • Cloud
  • Define and build your technology needs
  • Achieve a higher state of personal well-being